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Naomi Emison

naomi emison

My association with the Methodist Church started at a very early age, as my Dad was Methodist Minister. Because of this, I have moved around quite a bit, but now live in Frodsham, Cheshire with my daughter Sophie (17) and Son Matthew (19). Sophie is in her first year of A levels and Matthew is in his second year at university studying Architecture. We also have a Jack Russel called Milo who keeps us on our toes. At the age of seventeen, I became a member of the Methodist Church and attended many MAYC (Methodist Association of Youth Clubs) events and volunteered as the MAYC District Secretary. I am now considerably older than this (!) and have led and been part of various Bible study and pastoral groups, music groups, children's groups and youth groups within the different Methodist Church communities that I have been a part of. My professional background is in education and I have been a primary school teacher for over 24 years with my most recent post being Deputy Headteacher. As part of this role, I was also Deputy Safeguarding lead within the school. I enjoy singing, walking, swimming, listening to all sorts of music, cooking and travelling. I am looking forward to meeting you and working with you to ensure that our Church communities continue to be safe places of welcome.

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