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church@4 is church for all -- informal church, jargon free, modern music.
church@4 is intended for all ages, including those who may not be familiar with church services. All are welcome we start at 4pm but come early (from 3.30pm) for coffee, tea, squash and cake.

We meet every Sunday apart from the 2nd Sunday when we meet with Messy Church.

2nd Sunday of the month – church@4 at Messy Church.

church@4 joins Messy Church on the second Sunday of the month. We all join in together for the games at the start, and child centred worship. When the children and families go to enjoy crafts any "unaccompanied" adults join together for a discussion. We all come back together for worship and then tea.

Note that on Messy Church Sundays we don't meet early for cake so please don't arrive before 4pm on these Sundays. Don't worry there is cake with tea instead

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Merrey Road
ST17 9LX


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