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Spanish Flu pandemic 1918-19: A commemoration

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One hundred years ago, over a two year period 1918 to 1919, a pandemic of influenza swept the world. It killed between twice and four times as many people as died in the first world war. Estimates vary but it is reckoned that over 500 million people were affected and around 100 million people died as a result.

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A group from the Wolverhampton Circuit were intrigued as to why we weren't more aware about these events and decided to commemorate those who were impacted a century ago. They conducted some detailed research and put together some ideas for a worship service which they've shared across the district. The friends at Bishops Offley have decided to hold a service of a commemoration, using some of this material, on Sunday 16th of June at 6:30 pm, and you'd be welcome to join us.

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