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Welcome to Berkswich Methodist Church. Our church community represents the ages of the community in which we live. As well as weekly Sunday services, there are various different groups meeting throughout the week applicable to different ages and interests. You are very welcome at any of these groups.

Who are we?
Berkswich Methodist Church is situated in a large community to the south of Stafford. At the centre of the community is Walton High School with over 1500 pupils, and there are six primary schools.

As a congregation we are made up of life-long Methodists who have been attending Berkswich since it was built, people who have moved into the area more recently, and those who have discovered that Berkswich is their church family.

What other activities take place at Berkswich?
The church provides a venue for all the various groups to meet, from Toddlers, through to Youth Clubs and uniformed organisations, to groups for more mature individuals.

Are there any other services apart from Sunday morning?
There is a service at 4pm called church@4. A more informal service with focus on children and families and those not used to church services. You can find more details here.
On the forth Sunday of each month there is an 8.30am Communion service. This is followed by breakfast at 9am if you would like to stay. These are currently not taking place due to Covid restrictions, but will return as soon as we are able.

Car parking
We have a car park immediately in front of the church. People do tend to double park on a Sunday morning, so please feel free to do so if you are staying for the service.

Dress code
We have no particular dress code, believing that God accepts us as we are. Please feel free to wear whatever feels comfortable to you.

What time should I arrive?
Our services usually start on time. Most people start arriving 15 mins before the start of the service. There are always some late arrivers, so please feel free to come in even if the service has started. There will be a steward on the door to help you if you need it.

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Registered Charity No. 1135822

Get In Touch

Asbury House
Merrey Road
ST17 9LX

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